Today's Booking Through Thursday question is:
Who’s your favorite author that other people are NOT reading? The one you want to evangelize for, the one you would run popularity campaigns for? The author that, so far as you’re concerned, everyone should be reading–but that nobody seems to have heard of. You know, not JK Rowling, not Jane Austen, not Hemingway–everybody’s heard of them. The author that you think should be that famous and can’t understand why they’re not…
My pick is definitely T.L. Hines. I read his book The Unseen last summer while on vacation, and WOW! It was a page-turner! After that, I read Waking Lazarus, also a great story. He has written others....I have The Dead Whisper On in my TBR stack, and Faces In the Fire is on my waiting list on Paperbackswap.com. If you haven't read T.L. Hines, you need to check him out!

That's a great hat Marilyn is wearing. Like your picks!
Here is mine
Sounds good! I'll have to check it out. My pick is at The Crowded Leaf.
He sounds nice :)
I'd pick Robert Jordan, cos I love fantasy
I have read great things about T.L. Hines but have not read his books yet.
These sound great! I'll have to give him a closer look.
Here's my answer.
Wow, that is a really good question! And I've never heard of that Author!
Mine is Stephanie Grace Whitson. LOVE her, she has many books and I own almost all of them! They are Historical Christian Fiction. I could just read her forever!
I think I've heard of this author but I am not sure. But I will have to try the book now since your enthusiasm is contagious :)
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