Wednesday, July 22, 2009

~With Gratitude~

LuAnn at Reading Frenzy has awarded me with Your Blog Is Enchanted Award! Thank you so much LuAnn! You have brightened my day!

The only requirement for this award is that you share it with whomever you like ... sharing the love is always a good thing. The blog has to show only one characteristic -- caring. So, start sharing this enchanted award with five other bloggers. Let your bloggers know they have received this enchanted award. (Remember, fairies are fickle wee things. Don't incur their displeasure by ignoring their gift!)

I am passing this award on to:

Nise' at Under The Boardwalk
Yvonne at Socrate's Book Reviews
Mandi at Smexy Books
Marta at Marta's Meanderings
Nely at all about {n}


Nely said...

How lovely. Thanks so much Missy, you just brightened my afternoon :D

Blodeuedd said...

Yay, congrats :D
Well deserved

Yvonne said...

Thank you so much! Congrats to you!


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