Thursday, July 9, 2009

~Booking Through Thursday~ Unread~

An idea I got from The Toddled Dredge (via K for Kat). Here’s what she said:

“So here today I present to you an Unread Books Challenge. Give me the list or take a picture of all the books you have stacked on your bedside table, hidden under the bed or standing in your shelf – the books you have not read, but keep meaning to. The books that begin to weigh on your mind. The books that make you cover your ears in conversation and say, ‘No! Don’t give me another book to read! I can’t finish the ones I have!’ “

Since I am doing this at work (shhhh) I can't take a picture of all of my TBR's. I really can't even list all of them because there are SO many. What I can do, is list the ones that I have at the top of my list to read in the very near future.

Surviving A House Full Of Whispers by Sharon Wallace

Loving Rabbi Thalia Kleinman by Gary Morgenstein

Mother of Pearl by Melinda Haynes

Prairie Tale by Melissa Gilbert

Waking Lazarus by T.L. Hines

I also need to get going on my Sarah Dessen books for the Sarah Dessen Challenge. I am only part way through with Keeping The Moon.

What are YOUR unread books?


Blodeuedd said...

is your boss around..ok good.

Nice list, I can imagine there must be lots more, just like with my books

Unknown said...

I haven't heard of any of the books listed on here other than Mother of Pearl which I read a few years ago and it was a beautiful book which, if I remeber correctly, made me cry quite a lot. I think you'll enjoy it.

serendipity_viv said...

There are far too many in my pile to think about without getting anxious!

gautami tripathy said...

I do not know any of these books. Have a great reading week!

Kerri said...

LOL - I did my post at work too, althought I took the picture this morning as I was dashing out the door.

Harvee said...

Haven't read any of these but the book, Prairie Tales by Melissa Gilbert, sounds interesting.

Trish @ Love, Laughter, Insanity said...

Well I'm sorry we don't get to see a picture!

I read Mother of Pearl last summer and enjoyed it. You'll have to tell us your take on the pig metaphors (you'll see what I mean).

Have a great day!

Yvonne said...

I haven't read those books, but I hope you get to read them and enjoy them.


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