Musing Monday is hosted by Heather at What Was I Reading?.
Today's question is: Do you remember how you developed a love for reading? Was it from a particular person, or person(s)? Do you remember any books that you read, or were read to you, as a young child?"
My love for reading was certainly inspired by my mother who as long as I have known her, has been a voracious reader. She always had a book in her hands. She used to read my brother and I bedtime stories. As we became older, my brother and I began to develop our own tastes for books. I read all of the Nancy Drew Series, my brother enjoyed sci-fi. The bookmobile used to come to our school once a month, and I would load up with more books. We also enjoyed our public library, where we used to check out enough books to fill our book bags.
I remember as a child, loving The Little House on the Prairie series. I had the boxed set, and would read and re-read them...I never grew tired of them. I also enjoyed James and The Giant Peach and Charlotte's Web.
I am so glad that I have the love that I do for reading and books. I have my mother to thank for that. She still loves to read, and when I go visit her I always bring her a book.
Hey Missy!!
I remember reading around my teen years. My Mom was not a big..."let me read to you" kinda of person... So, I developed reading on my own and from school. I fell in love with Nancy Drew! That was my first reading experince!
And from there... came high school... Hamlet, Romeo, Of Men and Mice, The Lord of the Flies, Great Expectations, and the list goes on... But my daughter on the other hand.. I was a "read to me" mom and she loves James and the Gaint Peach!!! It is funny you should mention that one!! She LOVES to read.
Oh the memories of the Bookmobile! That was just awesome wasn't it? I also loved the Little House series.
It seems a lot of us loved The Little House books. I know I did. I still have a really old set. I'd sure like to reread them someday.
OMG.... okay thanks for joggin the memory... The Bookmoblie... that was before the book fair actually came to school!!! OMG, how could I have forgotten that!!!
And was it The Golden Books.... Oh gosh... now I really remembering childhood "repressed" memories... The Disney books on cassesstte... and who could forget "I Don't Like Green Eggs and Ham"... I use to read that one in the doctors office when I was a child!! OMG... thanks for bring those sweet memories up!!! =)
I've always read to my kids and hoped to instill a love of reading in them. And now as they are getting older, they do enjoy reading :)
great blog!
I loved reading as a child and teenager. The best was one time when we lived within walking distance of the base library! I can still smell the books.
I was sorry to read about your sweet little cat. I still look for kitties that look like my little Snicker.
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