I've been tagged by Teddyree at The Eclectic Reader!
Here are the rules...
1. Mention the person who nominated you.
2. List six unimportant things that make you happy.
3. Tag six blogs, state the rules & notify them with a teeny comment on their blog.
Some of the unimportant things that make me happy are:
1. The sound of my cats purring.
2. Watching old music videos on YouTube.
3. Dipping Oreo cookies in milk.
4. Watching the bunnies in my back yard.
5. The smell of fabric softener.
6. Soft pajamas.
Tag! You're it!!
Luanne at A Bookworms World
Jess at Barney's Book Blog
Bookworm at Bookworm Readers
Liviania at In Bed With Books
Tricia at Library Queue
Liyana at LiyanaLand
Thanks Missy! ;)
Thank you so much! I am honored, Missy! And I love the message above your comment box--another Italian speaker, eh? (:
Some lovely things there :D
Thanks Missy!
You have bunnies in your back yard? Oh that's so sweet. Thanks for sharing :-)
Congrats Missy on gettng this award - and thank you for thinking of me! I'm with you on soft ( and warm as my furnace is still running) pajamas!
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