Yvonne at Socrates Book Reviews has given me an award: The Sugar Doll Award! Thank you so much, Yvonne, for thinking of me!
I am supposed to list 10 things about myself, then pass the award on to some other bloggers!
1. I love to watch scary movies....the scarier, the better!
2. My favorite pizza is Pizza Hut Veggie Lovers with the Thin 'n Crispy crust.
3. I keep all of my pets (past and present) whiskers in a memory box on my dresser.
4. I love raw onions.
5. Fall is my favorite season.
6. I eat regular hard pretzels dipped in mustard.
7. I eat hot sauce on eggs, smoked oysters, and macaroni & cheese.
8. I am deathly afraid of spiders.
9. My favorite color is pink.
10. I wish I could have remained friends with my ex-husband...he always made me laugh.
I am passing this award on to:
Stephanie aka Laughing Stars
Cecile at All I Want And More
Lisa at Lit and Life
Diane at Spunk On A Stick's Tips
Marce at Tea Time With Marce
You are to kind my friend... Love the hot sauce one@!! LOL!!
I love scary movies also, I want to try scary books this year.
Thank you for passing on the award, first time I have seen this one.
Awesome - congrats on the award!
Great award. Congrats!
Aw, thank you Missy!!
And I dip my pretzels in mustard as well. Sometimes Ranch dressing, too.
Thanks for including me! I am honored. :-)
Love the new header Missy! Your answers are great and congrats on the award!Hot Dog Sauce on eggs??
OKaaaaaaaaay :)
Whiskers? I've never heard of that one!
I would have never guest that you loved pink. ha ha! Congrats!
Thanks, Missy! Raw onions? Whatever made you even try them?
Thanks, Missy! I've posted the award at http://litandlife.blogspot.com/2010/02/thanks-ladies.html
Instead of talking about me, though, I wanted to let everyone know a little about you. Hope you don't mind!
Congratulations on your award! I found your blog from Laughing Stars :)
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