From Amazon.com:
Before River, everything was perfect. . . .
Growing up on a Canadian dairy farm less than two miles from the American border, fifteen-year-old Natalie Ward knows little of the outside world. But her loving, close-knit family is the envy of young and old alike in the nearby town of Atwood. Natalie adores her three brothers—especially Boyer, the eldest, whom she idolizes. But everything changes one hot July afternoon in 1966 when a long-haired stranger appears at their door—a soft-spoken American, a Vietnam War resister, who will test the family's morals and beliefs, and set in motion catastrophic events that will shatter Natalie's relationships with those she most dearly loves.
My Thoughts:I didn't want this story to end. This is a beautiful coming-of-age story about Natalie, who lives on a dairy farm with her family in beautiful British Colombia in the 1960's. She is closest to her older brother, Boyer, whose love for knowledge and books mirrors her own. When a stranger shows up one summer day in 1966, Natalie's secure life is turned upside down, with feelings and emotions that she has never had before. The whole Ward family is taken with the stranger, and for awhile, things were good.
The story is narrated by Natalie as an adult, who is preparing to return home to Atwood, to her mother's bedside. She is dying of lung cancer. I was not disappointed in the end of After River...in fact, I felt at peace.

- Hardcover: 352 pages
- Publisher: Harper (April 8, 2008)
- Language: English
- ISBN-10: 0061462993
I loved this story so much, I'd like to share it with YOU! I'm giving away my gently used copy of After River! To enter, please leave a comment below. Let me know if you are a new follower (1 extra point) and old follower (2 extra points) and if you blogged or tweeted about my giveaway ( 1 extra point). Giveaway ends on Thursday, July 7, 2011. I will announce the winner on Friday, July 8th. Good Luck!

I would love to win this. I am an old follower via google reader. Does that count?
Hey! I think I own this book!!! Haven't read it yet but your great review will encourage me to.
This does sound like a surprisingly moving read, and I am glad that it touched you so deeply. I would love the chance to read it as well, so please do consider me for your giveaway, and thanks for hosting it!
This sounds really good - I've never read anything regarding U.S. war resisters from the Canadian point of view. And not wanting the story to end it the highest of praises. Thanks for the chance to win your copy.
+2 I'm a old Follower.
geebee.reads AT gmail DOT com
This sounds like a delightful read! Thanks for inviting me to participate in the giveaway!
I'm so in.... would love to win this book -- I've been a follower for a few months now. Thanks so much, Missy !! Hope your summer has been wonderful so far :-) thwaters@verefor.com
This book sounds wonderful! I'm definitely in. I'm a follower from PBS (myanniecat) and I love your reviews.
man I soo wanan read this count me in please and thank you Im an old follower
intrigued with this story & it's Cdn setting ...
new gfc follower - yay! glad to have found you "))
@_eHope tweeted your gvway
I have never heard of this book before but I love the sound of this book. I can’t wait to read it. I am a new follower via GFC as Jessy though I have read your blog through google reader for a while :-) https://twitter.com/#!/hootowl1978/status/88739308449710081
hootowl1978 at gmail dot com
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